Advantages of An Export Processing Free Zone Status
- Exemption of Duty on all imports and exports
- Exemption from taxes such as capital gains, general sales tax and consumption taxes, foreign exchange and transfer tax
- Tax Holiday of 20 years
- Exemption from Supplies Control Act and its regulations
- No Trade License or license for imports/exports by a business in the EPZ
- Dividends paid by an EPZ are exempted from taxes for the lifetime of the business
- US Dollar account can be opened (Request Requirements)
Requirements for an Export Processing Zone Status
- Have a Belize Local Corporation exclusively for EPZ Application (Request Requirements)
- Business must be in the areas of trade concentrating on manufacturing and non-traditional agricultural products
- Business must submit application to the Ministry of Investment & Trade for a Certificate of Compliance from the Export Processing Zone Committee (EPZC)
- Business must own or lease property within a designated Export Processing Zone
- Business must not endanger the environment
- Business Plan is required (Request Requirements & Outline)
- Includes: Physical Master Plan, Management & Staff Organization, Proposed Construction Schedule, Financial Projection for next 5 years, Capital Cost Estimate along with two bank & one commercial reference letters for business and its principals
Note: If you would like to purchase or lease land or building within an Export Processing Zone, let us know and we will get information for you.
Time Period
- The time period depends on the information and documents given to us.
Our fees for the preparation, submission and follow up of your application is US $75.00 per hour plus out of pocket expenses including international and local courier, travel/transportation, telephone, etc.
A deposit of US $1,000.00 is required for us to review your project, which should include a preliminary business plan and financial statements. This fee also covers contacting the government in order to receive a preliminary approval to proceed with submitting your application for a EPZ.
You will also need to pay US $750-$1,000 to have the financial statements and projections certified by a CPA such as Pannell Kerr Forster, plus other incidental fees.
Separate fees will apply for a Local Company, IBC, US Dollar Account, Real Estate Services and CPA Services.
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